
2×TransStart GENTAUR FastPfu PCR SuperMix (-dye )

2×TransStart GENTAUR FastPfu PCR SuperMix (-dye ) size: 1 ml 76

Supplier TAQ
Price 76
Size 1 ml
Group polymerase chain reaction, PCR
About The mores specific the lower the yield, TAQ or Pfu or Pfx or other enzymes are used for polycmerase chain reaction and have different specificity
Gene target2×, TransStart GENTAUR FastPfu SuperMix dye
Short name2×, TransStart GENTAUR FastPfu PCR SuperMix (-dye )
Technique For real time PCR the cycle threshold Ct values willneed to be set before the experiment, Than the RT-PCR starts from RNA and real time PCR quantitates the cDNA so the RNA in the sample on given time of the experiment, The , (PCR) amplifies the DNA in your sample, PCR, polymerase chain reaction 
Alternative name2×, TransStart GENTAUR FastPfu PCR test reagent SuperMix (-dye )
Alternative techniquedna-amplification

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