
Alpha-tubulin Chicken Polyclonal Antibody

Alpha-tubulin Chicken Polyclonal Antibody size: 0.1 mg 428

Supplier ZYAGEN
Price 428
Size 0.1 mg
Description- or alpha protein sometimes glycoprotein present in blood, The Alpha-tubulin Chicken Polyclonal Antibody is a &alpha
Properties Chickens like all bird species have IgY antibodies that are very stable and found in the yolk, Gallus Gallus domestica is the Latin name of the Chicken, C, C for long term storage and for short term at + 5°, If you buy Antibodies supplied by Zyagen they should be stored frozen at - 24°
GroupPolyclonals and antibodies
About The advantage is that there are more epitopes available in a polyclonal antiserum to detect the proteins than in monoclonal sera, immunohistochemistry on frozen slices or parrafin fixed tissues, Polyclonals can be used for Western blot
Gene targetAlpha-tubulin
Short nameAlpha-tubulin Chicken Polyclonal Antibody
Technique Pabs are a collection of immunoglobulin , Polyclonal antibodies , antibodies against human proteins, antibodies for, each identifying a different , whereas , (pAbs) are mostly rabbit or goat , B cells, Polyclonal, antibodies , antigen, come from a single N cell lineage, epitope, molecules that react against a specific , monoclonal antibodies , that are secreted by different 
Species Chickens, Chicken
Alternative namea-tubulin Chicken polyclonal (Antibody to)
Alternative techniquepolyclonals
Identity 24071
Long gene name tubulin alpha 3d
Synonyms H2-ALPHA
Synonyms name alpha-tubulin isotype H2-alpha
Locus 2q21, 1
Discovery year 2007-02-12
GenBank acession K03460
Entrez gene record 113457
Pubmed identfication 3785200
RefSeq identity NM_080386
Classification Tubulins
Havana BLAST/BLAT OTTHUMG00000153600

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