
Carboxyl Fluorescent Particles Sky Blue 0.5% w/v 5.0-5.9 um

Carboxyl Fluorescent Particles Sky Blue 0.5% w/v 5.0-5.9 um size: 2 mL 268

Price 268
Size 2 mL
Description Because our fluorescent dyes are incorporated in the bead and not just on the surface, FITC, GFP, Nile-red, Spheres are in difference sizes and fluorescences, The diameter of the spheres is usually higher than 50nm and in the micrometer um range, beads and particles applications including blood flow determination, blue, deep-red, fluorimetry, green, high intensity, light yellow, mcherry, orange, purple, red, sky blue, they are relatively immune to photo bleaching and other environmental factors, tracing, yellow,  , Fluorescent microspheres, imaging and calibration of imaging and flow cytometry instruments, in vivo 
Flow cytometer type Beckman Coulter Flow Cytometer, Becton Dickinson FACScan, Becton Dickinson Flow Cytometers, FACSCanto, Millipore Flow Cytometers and Millipore Guava, Miltenyi cytometer, These beads can be used for calibration with BD facses like FACSCalibur
Properties If your sample is too concentrated you can dissolve it in water, Blue has a wavelength of around 480 nm and will make your sample visible
ConjugationBlue Substrate
Gene target0-5, 5% w/v 5, 9 um, Carboxyl Particles Sky 0
Short name -5, 5% w/v 5, 9 um, Carboxyl Particles Sky
Alternative name0-5, 5% w/v 5, 9 um, Carboxyl Fluorescent particles Sky Blue 0

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