
Guinea Pig Immunofluorescence Detection Kit

Guinea Pig Immunofluorescence Detection Kit size:  500 Slides 311

Supplier ZYAGEN
Price 311
Size  500 Slides
Description After mouzes and rats , also called the , cDNAs of Guinea pigs are also very popular, Guinea pig ELISA kits for plasma and sera samples are used to study human genes through the , Guinea pigs are easy in maintained laboratory animals, cavy , guinea pig , model (Cavia porcellus), rodent model
Test Immunofluorescence is a widely used example of , This technique uses the specificity of , and therefore allows visualization of the distribution of the target molecule through the sample, Immunofluorescence kits are used for , and is a specific example of , and is used primarily on , antibodies , antigen , biomolecule , dyes , fluorescence microscope , fluorescent , immunohistochemistry , immunostaining , light , microbiological , microscopy , samples, targets within a cell, that makes use of fluorophores to visualize the location of the antibodies, to specific , to target , to their , with a 
AboutPigs and the smaller guinea pigs are frequent used as models for humans
Gene targetKit
Short nameDetection Kit
Species Guinea Pigs, Pigs and Guinea pigs, Guinea Pig
Alternative nameGuinea swine Immunofluorescence quantification reagent
Identity 8631
Gene PBT
Long gene name KIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase
Synonyms gene name piebald trait v-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene homolog
Synonyms CD117 SCFR C-Kit KIT
Locus 4q12
Discovery year 1986-01-01
GenBank acession S67773
Entrez gene record 3815
Pubmed identfication 9027509
RefSeq identity NM_000222
Classification CD molecules Immunoglobulin like domain containing Receptor Tyrosine Kinases
Havana BLAST/BLAT OTTHUMG00000128713
Locus Specific Databases LRG_307

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