
Neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP Antibody, ALEXA FLUOR 555

Neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP Antibody, ALEXA FLUOR 555 size: 100ul 332

Price 332
Size 100ul
Long name ALEXA FLUOR 555 Conjugated, Neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP Antibody
Also known asAnti-Neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP PAb ALEXA FLUOR 555
CategoryConjugated Primary Antibodies
Conjugated with 555, ALEXA FLUOR®
Host OrganismRabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Target AntigenNeuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP
SpecificityThis is a highly specific antibody against Neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP
Modification SiteNone
ClonePolyclonal antibody
Concentration1ug per 1ul
SourceThis antibody was obtained by immunization of the host with KLH conjugated synthetic peptide derived from human Neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP
Tested applicationsIF(IHC-P)
Recommended dilutionsIF(IHC-P)(1:50-200)
Cross-reactive species details not every possible cross-reactivity is known, Due to limited amount of testing and knowledge
Background of the antigen However, In vitro studies also demonstrated that abnormal expression of this gene promoted neuritic sprouting and cell death, and overexpressed in brains with Alzheimer's disease, associated with dementia in Alzheimer's disease, the mRNA and the encoded protein have been shown to be expressed in neurons, This gene is unusual in that its coding sequence is derived almost entirely from a cluster of different Alu repeat sequences
PurificationPurified by Protein A
Storage conditions 50% glycerol and 0, Keep refrigerated at 2 to 8 degrees Celcius for up to one year, 09% sodium azide, Store this antibody in aqueous buffered solution containing 1% BSA
Excitation emission553nm/568nm
Synonyms AD7c-NTP, neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP
Properties ALEXA FLUOR they should be stored frozen at - 24°, If you buy Antibodies supplied by Bioss Primary Conjugated Antibodies, Very high photo stable ALEXA conjugate, C, C for long term storage and for short term at + 5°, For facs or microscopy Alexa 1 conjugate
Conjugation ALEXA FLUOR 555, Alexa Fluor
Gene targetNeuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP
Short nameNeuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP Antibody
Technique antibodies against human proteins, antibodies for, Antibody
Alternative name ALEXA FLUOR 555, Neuronal thread protein AD7c-NTP (Antibody to)
Alternative techniqueantibodies

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